
Climate Futures annual report

Navigating Climate Risk

Overview of current operational
sub-seasonal and seasonal forecast
products and services and how they are
used at StormGeo and MET Norway

Download the report from MET Norway

Bruk og forståelse av måneds- og sesongvarsel

Oppsummering av kvartalsvise spørreundersøkelser

Download the report from MET Norway

Published: 08.06.2021

Blue compass

Steady course towards sustainability in Norwegian maritime industries

Climate Futures Contributors (in alphabetical order): Kristine Grimsrud, Øyvind Paasche, Linda Nøstbakken

Download report from Centre for the Ocean and the Arctic (in Norwegian)

Published: 15.02.2021

Climate and climate change

What does it mean for financiers and investments?

Climate Futures Contributors (in alphabetical order): Lars Erik Mangseth, Tore Furevik, Øyvind Paasche.

Download report from Norsif’s website (in Norwegian)


Published: Spring 2024

Can weather forecasts predict Norwegian Home Insurance claims?

by Sondre Lykke Rødal & Mahsa Gorji

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2023

The Principal-Agent Problem in Finance: Performance Clauses in Shipping Charterparties

by Mathias Vindal & Johan Drægebø 

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2023

Prediction of Harmful Algae Blooms Impacting Shellfish Farms in Norway

by Edson Filisbino Freire da Silva

PhD dissertation, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen.

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Published: Spring 2023

Using Machine Learning to Predict Port Congestion: a study of the port of Paranaguá

by  Eirik Fadnes & Espen Åsheim Harviken

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Spring 2023

Unraveling the Enigma of Black Swan Events: A Multidisciplinary Examination of Financial and Climatic Extremes : The factors contributing to Black Swan Events and their varying effects

by Cole Hoyt & Trung Hieu Nguyen

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Spring 2023

The potential value of sub-seasonal climate forecasts in agricultural decision making - case of forage-based diary production in Vestland Norway

by Nada Oubrhou

Master thesis, Philosophy in System Dynamics, University of Bergen.

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Published: Spring 2023

Electricity Demand Forecasting - Probabilistic Demand Forecasting Using Principal Components of Seasonal Temperature Forecasts

by Eirik Sjåvik

Master thesis in Data Science, University of Oslo.

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Published: Spring 2023

Spot Price Forecasting - Evaluating the Impact of Weather Based Demand Forecasting on Electricity Market Predictions

by Vebjørn Sveva & Torolv Sundt

Master thesis, Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Spring 2023

Optimal Allocation of Norwegian OffshoreWind Power: A Copula Approach​

by Henrik Heltne Alfsvåg & Sander Sollie

Master thesis, Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Spring 2023

Trends and internal variability in Brazilian hydropower catchments

by Emilie Byermoen

Master thesis in Energy, geophysical institute, University of Bergen.

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Front page

Published: Fall 2022

Climate Risk Assessment for Tramp Shipping Pre-Fixture Calculations

by Marie Log Staveland and Sia Benedikte Strømsnes


Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2022

Estimating the impact of weather-sensitive cargo risk on transport cost

by Rikard Knive and Jon Mæle Liane

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics

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Published: Fall 2022

Analysis of Norwegian Offshore Wind Power Production : Ranking wind farm locations using a composite index method

by Eirik Hjellvik Wallevik and Henrik Krohn Klock

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics and Performance Management, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2022

Assessing Offshore Wind Farm Placements in Norway Is NVE’s current plan optimal – or can we do better?

by Andreas Osnes and Sindre Houge Nesheim

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration,
Business Analytics and Financial Economics, Norwegian School of Economics

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Published: Spring 2022

The fuel cost effect of prolonged port stays

by Hans-Jørgen Jøssund and Silje H. Johnsen

Master thesis in  Economics and Business Administration,
Business Analysis and Performance Management, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2021

Understanding the dynamics of recent Norwegian extreme weather events and their influence on energy production

by Martin Pecnjak

Master thesis in Geophysics, University of Bergen

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Published: Fall 2021

Climate change and its effects on Norwegian potato production: How to counteract the negative impacts of soil compaction by implementing a predictive simulation model

 by Eirik Vassbotn and Karoline Erika Wigestrand Sandok

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics and Performance Management, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Fall 2021

Freight pricing and climate change: The case of grain cargoes in the Paraná River.

by Kaja Berg Henie and Hanne Utheim

Master thesis Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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Published: Spring 2021

Estimating weather margin seasonality in shipping using machine learning.

by Joakim Nilsson and Marcus Nilsson

Master thesis in Economics and Business Administration, Business Analytics, Norwegian School of Economics.

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