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Scientific seminar, 11. June (English)
Introduction of new members: Vegard Enerstvedt (NHH)
Endre Kildal Iversen (SNF) – “The effect of information and experience on demand for insurance”

Scientific seminar, 14. May (English)
Helene R. Langehaug (NERSC) – “Marine heatwaves in Norwegian and Arctic waters”

Scientific seminar, 16. April (English)
Akhilesh Nair (UoB) – “The Impact of Soil Moisture Assimilation on Capturing Extreme Heatwaves in NorCPM”

Scientific seminar, 19. March (English)
Etienne Dunn-Sigouin – “Accuracy versus Precision: Refining Weather Forecasts for Climate Adaptation

Scientific  seminar, 20. February (English)
Introduction of members: Marianne Williams-Kerslake (NERSC)
Hsin-Yu Chu –Predicting Persisting Dry Conditions few weeks ahead : Identifying Potential Precursors using Cluster and Regime Analysis

Scientific seminar, 23. January (Norwegian)
Introduction of members: Silius M. Vandeskog (NR)
Theodor Hellesøy and Simen Stølsnes (NHH) – “Beyond the Gale: Parametric Insurance Pricing for Offshore Wind”



Scientific seminar, 5. December (English)
Introduction of members: Frida Aase (NR)
Gabriel Fuentes (NHH) – “Predicting Panama Canal waiting times with integrated climate data”
Erik Kolstad (NORCE) – “How does the ocean influence our winter weather?”

Scientific seminar, 7. November (English / Norwegian)
Introduction of members: Nora Røhnebæk Aasen (NR)
Tore Norheim Hagtun (Clarify) – “Improving the impact on fish and fjord with live site data and tailored ocean forecasts”
Xuan Li (NHH) – “Shareholder activism and the green transition”

Scientific seminar, 10. October (English / Norwegian)
Introduction of members: Giacomo Benini (NHH)
Synnøve Vonen Kvaal (Statsforvalteren) – “Statsforvalteren: Litt om oss og vår rolle i landbruksnoden”
Ingrid Vigna (MET) – “Serious Games for climate research: educating, discussing, collecting data”

Scientific seminar, 19. September (Norwegian)
Introduction of members: Endre Iversen (SNF)
Terje Vedeler and Kamilla Wergeland (Småkraft) – “Viller og våtere, hvordan sikrer vi mer fornybar energi?”
Geir Drage Berentsen (NHH) – “Utplassering av offshore vindturbiner”

Introduction of new members: Haiying Jia (NHH), Hsin-Yu Chu (UiB)
Yue Shi (NHH) – “Hidden semi-Markov models for rainfall-related insurance claims


Scientific seminar, 18 October (Norwegian)
Introduction of members: Isabel Hovdahl (NHH), Sondre Hølleland (NHH) 
Manuel Hempel (NORCE) – Brukerpanel: oppsummering av sesongen

Introduction of members: Roberto Suarez (UiB), Michael Morreau (SNF)
Felix Matt (Statkraft) – “How Climate Futures can help us to use hydropower best”
Stefan Sobolowski (NORCE) – “Regionalization and localization of forecasts”

Scientific Seminar, 15. March (English)
Introduction of members:
Linda Nøstbakken (SSB)
Øyvind Breivik (MET) – “A high-resolution hindcast archive for the atmosphere, the wave field and the water level in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea”
Gilca Palma (Climatempo) – “Concerns about climate change in the Energy Sector in Brazil”

Launch of seasonal forecasts for spring, 16. February (Norsk)

Scientific Seminar, 15. February (English)
Introductions of members: Bente Halvorsen (SSB), Etienne Dunn-Sigouin (NORCE)
Thea Roksvåg (NR) – “Prediction of the time to hard freeze using seasonal weather forecasts and survival time methods”

Introductions of new members: Kristoffer Hellton (NR), Akhilesh Nair (UiB)
Edson Silva (NERSC) – “Twenty-One Years of Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in the Barents, Norwegian, and North Seas“
Siri Kalvig (Nysnø) – “Nysnø Climate Investments“


Introductions of new members: Kristine Skarsvåg (NORCE), Yikui Zhang (UiB)
Trond Aga Haug (G2 Ocean) – “G2 Ocean – Sustainable Shipping”
Hanne Utheim and Kaja Henie (NHH) – “Freight pricing and climate change: The case of grain cargoes in Paraná River”

Members meeting,  18. November (Norsk)

Launch of seasonal forecasts for the winter, 17. November (Norsk)

Scientific Seminar, 16. November (Norsk)
Introductions of members: Lea Svendsen (UiB), Cathrine Hagem (SSB), Jørn Kristiansen (MET)
Bente Halvorsen og Kristine Grimsrud (SSB): “Brann i kystlynghei: Betydningen av en koordinert innsats”

Scientific Seminar, 19 October (English)
Introductions of members: Yue Shi (NHH)
Noel Keenlyside (UiB): “Decadal climate prediction”
Alex Lenkoski (NR): “Forecasting energy prices based on seasonal forecasts ”

Scientific Seminar, 21. September (Norsk)
Introductions of members
: Anne Mette Olsen (MET), Kristine Grimsrud (SSB)
Bjarne Holm (NLR): “Landbruksgivning i praksis”
Aksel Døving (NLR) og Manuel Hempel (NORCE): “Inkludering av varsler i landbruksrådgivning” 

Scientific Seminar, 24. August (English)
Introductions of members
: Michael Scheuerer (NR), Alex Lenkoski (NR), Lonneke van Bijsterveldt (MET) 
Guest seminar: Prof. Stephen Dorling (University of East Anglia): “Walking with Users on Weather- and Climate-proofing”  

Launch of seasonal forecasts for fall, 18. August (Norsk)

Scientific Seminar, 22 June (English)
Introduction of members:
 Alex Lenkoski (NR), Ole Wulff (NORCE) 
Marius Årthun (UiB): “Future sea ice conditions and shipping routes in the Arctic”
Egil Husby  (Western Bulk): “The influence of ice conditions on the dry cargo market” 

Scientific Seminar, 19. May (English)
Introduction of members: Margrethe Aanesen (SNF), Geir Drage Berentsen (NHH)
Karl Ove Aarbu (Tryg Forsikring): “Forsikring og klimautfordringer: Noen overordnede refleksjoner”

Scientific Seminar, 20. April (Norsk)
Introduksjon av medlemmer: Silje L. Sørland (NORCE), Manuel Hempel (NORCE), Anders Doksæter Sivle (MET)
Erik W. Kolstad (NORCE): “Fimbulvinteren 2021 – hvordan var den varslet?”
Christian Askvik-Hansen (BKK)“Hvordan klima påvirker BKK sitt arbeid innenfor strategi og bærekraft”

Scientific Seminar, 23. March (English):
Introductions of members: Thea Roksvåg (NR), Keita Abe (NHH/SNF), Xuan Li (NHH)
Muath Alsheikh (Graminor): “How does climate affect what Graminor does?”